How shall we satisfy our sweet tooth?

From our Facebook archives, this seems like an apropos topic as we approach the holiday season and become invariably inundated with sweets.

One of our recommended First Steps is to replace sugar with natural sweeteners in moderation, such as raw local honey, grade B maple syrup, pure maple sugar, molasses, dehydrated coconut nectar, coconut palm sugar, green powder stevia, rapadura and sucanat.

Eliminating all sugar isn’t usually necessary or appealing to most. According to Ayurveda, we are designed to enjoy sweet foods, along with sour, salty, bitter, pungent and astringent ones.  Dr. Nancy Appleton’s extensive research on sugar published in her book, Suicide by Sugar, led her to uncover the fact that for healthy individuals, the threshold of added sugar is two teaspoons at one time, no more than two to three times a day, totaling two tablespoons altogether. This means any sugar—white table sugar, dehydrated cane sugar juice, maple syrup, honey, dextrose, brown rice syrup, maple sugar or coconut sugar.  For individuals facing health challenges, no amount of sugar is recommended, at least for the short term.

Read the Weston A. Price Foundation’s brochure called Sugar Alert! Why Refined Sugars Are Bad For You, and their article on  sugar cravings.

What we do recommend:

You can purchase these via our Amazon affiliation which supports our educational initiative at no additional cost to you.

Raw Organic Honey 

Such as YS Organic Bee Farms, Wholesome Sweeteners and WeeBee

Organic Maple Syrup 

Such as Coombs Family Farms, Now Foods and Hidden Springs. Read our article Grade B maple syrup – is it really better?

Pure Organic Maple Sugar

Such as Coombs Family Farms, Wilderness Poets and Frontier

Organic Molasses 

Such as Wholesome Sweeteners and Natural Life

Organic Coconut Palm Sugar 

Such as Wholesome Sweeteners, Madhava, Emerald Forest and Big Tree Farm

Stevia Green Powder 

Such as Frontier, Nature Products and Organic Traditions

Organic Whole Cane Sugar Known as Succanant

Such as Wholesome Sweeteners, Rapadura, Rapunzel and Hoosier Hill Farms

We don’t recommend:

Agave Nectar or Agave Syrup 

Read Agave Nectar: Worse Than We Thought and Agave: Nectar of the Gods? to learn more. Also the press release from the Weston A. Price Foundation titled Agave Worse Than Sugar offers a summary of our concerns.


Read more on this  post Xylitol: Is It Beneficial, or Even Safe?

What natural sweeteners do you use? Please share in the comments below!
