Sally Fallon Morell and Thomas S. Cowan, MD have written a new book focused on how to nourish our children! The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby & Child Care.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Preparing for your Baby
Chapter 2: Fetal Development
Chapter 3: A Healthy Pregnancy
Chapter 4: Your Baby is Born
Chapter 5: Newborn Interventions
Chapter 6: Vaccines
Chapter 7: The Feeding of Newborns
Chapter 8: Bringing Up Baby
Chapter 9: Nourishing A Growing Child
Chapter 10: From Birth to Adulthood
Chapter 11: Child Spacing & Birth Control
Chapter 12: The Role of Illness in Child Development
Chapter 13: Strategies for Infectious Disease
Chapter 14: Treating Diseases of the Ear, Nose & Throat
Chapter 15: Treating Allergies, Asthma & Eczema
Chapter 16: Treating Neurological Disorders
Chapter 17: A Catalog of Childhood Illnesses
Appendix I: Therapy Instructions
Appendix I: The GAPS Diet Protocol
Appendix III: Recipes
Appendix IV: Resources


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The book will be available in February. You may order now! Amazon has offered a pre-sale opportunity! I have placed my order!

Some have wondered, what is the author’s position on breastfeeding?

Sally sent me the chapter that focuses on breastfeeding, and I reprint the introductory remarks by permission:

“It is assumed that any pregnant woman reading this book plans to breastfeed her baby. Mothers who recognize the importance of diet in the physical health of their infants will opt for mother’s milk—a food uniquely designed for the infant—rather than commercial formula based on powdered milk, industrial oils, refined sweeteners, questionable additives and artificial vitamins. The trend towards more natural methods of childrearing began with a comeback for breastfeeding during the 1970s, as much a reaction to a medical establishment deemed paternalistic and insensitive to women’s needs as a recognition, backed by many scientific studies, of breastmilk’s amazing properties. For most women, breastfeeding comes easily. Immediately after birth, baby is put on mom’s chest. He turns his head to the breast—he may even wiggle up her torso to the breast—roots his head back and forth to find the nipple and latches on. If the baby is healthy and strong, he will latch on with a tremendous, sucking grip, giving first-time mothers something of a shock. As baby sucks, mom feels a let-down reflex and the milk begins to flow. Baby nurses only a few moments at first, then longer and longer with each nursing. Within a few weeks, baby nurses for twenty minutes every two to three hours, steadily gains weight, and is contented between nursings. Mom and baby settle into a routine and all is well.

But for some women, even many women, all does not go well. Breastfeeding may be painful, mom may develop sores, baby may not latch on properly, and most seriously, baby does not gain weight, cries a lot and is obviously hungry. Or, mom may be exhausted or sick; breastfeeding may make her feel resentful, or even embarrassed; she may need to return to a work environment that makes breastfeeding difficult if not impossible. Or, she may not have any milk at all—due to illness, surgery or the fact that she has adopted her baby.

Most of this chapter will be dedicated to addressing these problems—not because we don’t think breastfeeding is important, but because little needs to be said about normal, successful breastfeeding. After all, women have been breastfeeding for thousands and thousands of years. Those for whom breastfeeding goes smoothly will not even need this chapter; those who are struggling need detailed and specific advice.

Unfortunately, discussions about infant feeding today have become polarized, even acrimonious. Whereas fifty years ago, the medical community pressured women into giving formula as the scientific and modern thing to do, today many women feel pressured into continued breastfeeding even when baby is obviously not doing well. Breastfeeding literature tends to be judgmental—often implying that lack of breastfeeding success is the mother’s fault, and that if she switches to formula, she is a bad mother.

We need to accept as a fact of life that breastfeeding is not always successful, in spite of the best efforts of the mother. In fact, it would be amazing that out of all the organs in the body, women’s breasts had the unique property of working well under all circumstances. Fortunately, we now have homemade alternatives to breast milk that are much healthier than commercial formula. The important thing is to provide the information needed to maximize either breastfeeding or formula-feeding success. Let’s keep in mind that breastfeeding is not some kind of contest between moms to see who can do it longest and best, but away of providing maximum nutrition to the infant; and that our role as parents, mentors, advisors and friends of a new mother is to provide information in a calm and rational way, and then to support her in whatever decision she may make.”

What do you think of this perspective?

When I post content that may be controversial, I keep in mind Bill Cosby’s words: “I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.”

If you don’t resonate with the author’s perspective and want to express an alternative viewpoint, please keep your discussion focused on ideas and not individuals.  We are deeply committed to cultivating discourse that honors the principles of Nonviolent Communication.

Again, the book will be available in February. You may order now! Amazon has offered a pre-sale opportunity!